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Before calling Lisa I had battled through 6months of sleep deprivation with my baby girl Niah.

Niah from day dot liked to be fed to sleep and held. Every week I had to find a different way to get her to sleep as what worked one week would cease to work the next. I tried everything, read several baby sleep books, sleep props (lulladoll), rocking in pram, baby carrier, co-sleeping and even driving in the car.All of the above would only work for short periods of time and l would spend hours trying to get her to sleep for her to only sleep 30-40mins at a time. By six months i was extremely sleep deprived, frustrated, feeling guilty for my older child and just started to resign to the reality that she may never sleep. I was terrified as my partner was going overseas in a couple of months and i knew I was not going to cope with both children on my own so I reached out to a support group on Facebook and another mum recommended Lisa at Sleep Gems.

From that first conversation with Lisa on the phone she restored my hope that it may be possible for my baby to sleep. She made herself available quickly and promised to work with me until Niah’ s sleeping was sorted. She worked with us all for a month and Niah now has naps for up to two hours, sleeps in her own cot, self settles and is no longer a grumpy irritable baby. Lisa was very down to earth yet professional and she took the time to understand my daughters personality to develop strategies that worked for her. 

Lisa made the strategies very clear and documented them for me to refer back to. Lisa also made herself available for any questions or support i needed throughout the process.

Thank you for saving our sleep and sanity! Our household is much happier and I’m so glad I made that phone call. I cannot thank or recommend Lisa enough.


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